Our Story
Thanks for your interest in getting to know us better!
Luna Yoga is a yoga + wellness studio located on Epekwitk (Prince Edward Island).
We stand for creating a safe space that is welcoming and inclusive, and with carefully curated offerings, we are here to support everyone's unique journey.
We have qualified instructors who are passionate about what they're sharing. Meet our team here.
We offer a wide variety of yoga styles, as well as workshops and special events, to meet your unique needs. Check them out here!
Our Mission:
We are committed to offering a safe and welcoming environment that is nurturing and supportive, while honoring the land on which we reside and all who call it home.
Our Values:
→ We commit to staying curious + willing to learn.
→ We will continue to operate with transparency and authenticity to create safe spaces for all folks to discover who it is they are, and become who they want to be. This includes being open to and holding space for different perspectives, as long as it does not inflict harm onto others.
→ We will remain aware of our language and the impacts it can have on individuals and groups.
→ We acknowledge the presence and harm of cultural appropriation. We continue to respect and honour the roots of these practices, and pay credit where it is due. We recognize the importance and significance of sharing the wisdom of yoga, and wish to do so with reverence and humility - remembering that we are all always students of these ancient teachings.
Our Promise:
Our instructors will always remain within the scope of their practice. This means that unless they are your physiotherapist, doctor, or play any other role in your healing journey, they will not be diagnosing or prescribing you specific things to rehabilitate an injury or condition. Additionally, unless they are your personal nutritionist working with your unique individual dietary needs, they will not be providing you with instructions or recommendations with what to eat and what not to eat.
Our bodies are different, our experiences are different, our needs are different, and therefore what works for each of us is just that: different. As movement guides, we will work with you to the best of our ability and knowledge, but we take no shame in staying within the capacity of our experience and credentials - it’s better for your health anyway. We’re happy to suggest some great experts in other areas if you like!
"It is our responsibility, not as individuals, but as communities to create structures in which self-care changes to community care. In which we are cared-for and able to care for others." - Padamsee